Product Data

We can provide all the components found on the BTC webstore to you. This data can then be incorporated into your own Webshop or Purchase Order System (PO).

Please login to request FTP access

Our Data, Your System

We can export BTC product data in various formats. Updating your product data will keep your webstore/ PO system up to date with the latest styles, data and prices. Download our most frequently requested eCommerce platform exports below. Our BTC download is our default format, ready to customise as you see fit.

Sign in to Download

FTP Access:

  • Product data including features and benefits, sizing information
  • Product images (where brand licensing permits) via URL (Image Hosting) or file at various sizes in low-resolution (for web)
  • Product colour swatches
  • Buying price information
  • Stock Level Integration

These components are made available to customers using an internet file transfer ‘FTP’ account. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a simple way of sharing data files over the internet.

Each BTC customer is issued a unique username and password to login to their own account.

  • FTP address e.g.
  • FTP username e.g. EXA0011
  • FTP password e.g. Y6wgtPi0um

The FTP server can be accessed via a web browser - the FTP address is equivalent to a website address – or alternatively via FTP client software e.g. ‘FileZilla’ which is made available for free on the internet.

NB: Customers should not give these login credentials to any 3rd parties.

Product Data FTP